ma jing wei hates pretending.
yet she cant escape from it.
i cant believed that i was crying.
yes, cant deny, i believe i would cry over it.
is just that everythings was bottle up.
nw, maybe,
crying is the way blow off my repressed emotion
perhaps it help or is just getting worst.
what's wrong with you!
can you be like more clear minded,
qing xing yi dian,
stop dreaming.
you are just too foolish/dumb/stupid/clumsy/idoitic/lacking intelligence
whatever you can think of..
what you still thinking?
you think you two can still be super duper good friend agn?
like befor?
you think you can cheer him up now?
you think you can help him?
you think your lame conversation will make him not so down?
you think he treat you as a friend?
you are jus a
nobody .
stop lying to yourself.
for the every possible think made by yourself
whih was just a basket of dead hope,
or should i say just all my insubstantial.
how long already?
you still have this kind of thoughts.
love is NOT colorblind.
why you are so kind to her?
isn't she the one should be blamed?
isn't she break up with the one for you and
nw she is breaking up with you for him?
isn't she the betrayer?
isn't she break your heart?
SHE ratted on YOU.
what the used you still blame on yourself!
what the used of loving her so much still?
does she reli becos of wanting bu chang him then leave you?
i konw i've no right to say all this,
this just my opinion,
and, somehow i think is fact.
i dunno what mood or feel when i typing all this..
hate or love?
or nth.
the only thing i can told is,
you are just too cruel to me.
you are right, you wil say all this i do is dun wan give you false hope,
but look at yourself, what you are doing now huh.
did you ever give me a sorry or a concern..
when the time i'm at the cliff,
you push me down to the bottom,
you said we are still friend,
all is my problems,
爱的流浪迷失方向 被时间埋葬(被月光埋葬)在爱情的旅程当中穿寻着寻找真爱,
this is what my of understanding...
sighh, i dunno what i typing for.
what the use man.
just waste my time for writing such post.
nth gonna change.
my life will go on,
and your life of missing her will go onbut no matter what,
i wish you happy,
wish you have a emo-free life ever.
writing this post.
i'm prepared for death..
what will happen i dunno,
but what things still mattered nw?
forget it.
i'm rotting..
are ther anybody could understang?
yes, *rise up hand*
mayb the person is me,myself & i.
or maybe even me, myself & i also dun understand..
tonight is a restless night,
what about tomorow?
i dun dare to think.
hope everythings ended here.
sorry ky for writing this post,
i guess i may hurt you by my stupid thoughts agn,
i'm useless,
but i can't bottle this up anymore,
if i nv expose it out,
i dunno what will happen to me,
or you shud just start hate me, ignore me,
i'll accept everythings.
and i am pled everythings to change for your happiness,
sound fake,
when some ppl see this post,
they sure will overstate or exaggerate.
as i said, i'm prepared for death,
dun see the need to contact those ppl anymore,
i'm just the passing traveller to them,
just hope you guys wont exaggerate this post too muchi am profoundly grateful.
i shall end this meaningless post here.
goodbye everybody!
have a sweet dream.
good night!
i swear i was writing this post before i see his new post. grrrrr,
how come just nw i nv seen it..
if i seen it, i wouldn't write this..
dun feel like delete it,
as it was still my thoughts.
and i can hi five with him le,'
we actually wrote the same thing.
lol. perhaps i need a sorry for you still!