ps: alot yah! ;p

Today i'm packed with extivities narx!.
at first go the gu ma house,,'
kinda bored,
even their hav a suoer cute de doggie,
but sad lah, he doen'st play with me lo...
haii, then their kids also lik doing their own stuffs,
bo bian, watching tv and zi lian lo..
yah yah, aft that we went for a BBq event organised by my aunty,
at east coast park.
luckily hav car,: D
(human's good invantion and bad invantion also)
i enjoyed eating ther,
esp the man tou, the sweet patato, sweet corn!
but cant forget my lovely mushmellow lah dey !! :P
so bloody nice, but also bloody sweet,
i stil prefer the normal one narx!
then the cyclling session was great,
i enjoyed the cooling air down their.
hope next time wil go ther wif friends..
but somehow, east coast park makes me remind the past~..
hmmmm, mood swing...=/

today celeb jessica birthday lah dey!
she so cute lah bodoh..
anw, dumb me and jess wear skirt narx...=.=
but jess got teasted by feiyan.
said, wear until so exposed..
than jess onli can say she gt wear pants..
lame lah them..
yahyah, we went to ice skating..
is so BLOODY hao bu hao !! -.-
bloody bloody bloody!
i sooooo regret nv wear loong pants..
is too late after i fall down narx..
oh my tian,
painful lah dey!
how come wil like this?
ooqing plus blood cum swollen
TT cry lah me!
TT cry lah me!
haii, then kind heart jess help me ask for plaster..
the uncle dun hav..
ther big big skating field no one had fall down meh?
can prepard FIRST AIDS box de right!
nv heard prevent better than blah blah narx..
it wil much much more convinent for me this kind of careless ppl lah..
okay, i'm jus CARELESS,
nt what okay,,
cant believ i fall down in continuerously lah..
the ppl behind als scared i fall down agn, giv me a helping hand..
then those cold blooded stil laugh at me..
i think uu know who i referring to hor!
damn rayson, yanzhi!!
and one pandi which was jessica friend..
"dun fall down agn le ahx, no plaster liao"
then later,
onli we 3 in the room sing k,'
although we sing until lik kisiao girls,
stil felt lonely,
how come lots lots ppl turn out 3 ppl le..
is okay,
we are strong to nt think abt it..!
then home sweet home...
PS: my knee lah dey...T.T
hmmm, mus say, jess was touched deep inside lah okay! ^^
is much much much more purple in real life!
dun beliv come and see lah!!
today aft sch waited for jess that pandi,
then i wan go eat pepper lunch,
jess wanted to call her daddy,
in the end,
dumb us, take 154 to BOON LAY
when we inside the bus,
pepper lunch pop out..
forget it,,
we stil eat pepper lunch!
yahh, jingwei giv 3 stars to the ice peach tea narx!
but the salmon rice nt tht nice lah
so fishy..
the highlight of today was we keep disiao wanyu lah,
so funny, la mi xiao xin..
jess and me really laugh almos til we fall,
hard to breath sia,,
waiting for bus lik mad ppl..
psps, nv take our medicine, was oos..(out of stock) hee
inside bus we start zi can,.
so crazy worx..
pain de hor!
today gt tok to him,
but iam jus simply sad...
sincerelly frm jingwei!
sorry if uu all dun unds what i'm toking abt,,
becos i think i'm over tired....
nw 3:30am le..
i wan sleep lah dey !! :<<<<<<<<<<<<