Moshi moshi! i'm back! I only remember drink quite alot that day. but talk very less. I find it meaningless. Everythings is just to hocus ourself or is our luxary demand? Yepp. i agree with large extent. I'm still nothing, not worth a star nor a heart.
For this two weeks, i've gotta somethings to say.
To me, there is no such words as ''not bad'' or '' quite well''.
No matter what i do/done, all is not good, my fault, my bad.
Even though i do my best is still a wrong.
I cant reach anyone's expectation. Always.
Used to thought the world is beautiful, people treat me well, i take it as behove, is 理所当然.
到现在才明白, 那些好是那么的难能可贵的,只可惜,现在,一切都成为了遗失的美好.想回到过去,想知道如果当时懂得去珍惜,故事到现在会是有怎样的发展,怎样的结局.那些人,那些事都变的好象天上的星星一样,触手不及.它们也都成为了往事..
我怀念从前... 是因为我太留恋...